
Nature Riders a Frictional Car Racing game by Sell Tech India Productions provides you the real time driving cars in the nature circumstances like Snow , Rain , SandStorm , Forest and Frictional Roads high up in the sky . All maps and are divided into 3 Modes . Nature Riders is initially starting with Three Types of Game Modes 

  1. Carrier Mode 
  2. Sprint Mode 
  3. Training Mode 

1. Carrier Mode

In Carrier Mode All the players have given the 60 seconds or 1 Minute as an initial time and when the player crosses any checkpoint a particular set time will be added to the player timer to complete his / her race on time . 

Note :- Once the player is out of Track he /she have to Restart the race from the initial position that makes game more interesting , entertaining and competive for the players that they won’t go out of track and win the race in time .

Once the player wins the 5 Level of the Mode the Next New mode Will open for them that is Sprint Mode . 

2. Sprint Mode

In Sprint Mode all players have given the 60 seconds or 1 Minute to complete the race . Sprint Mode can be termed or known as Short races , this makes more interesting to play and give players the challenge to complete the race in a single minute although in last levels of sprint mode there are checkpoints that will increase the time for the players to win or complete the races 

Note :- Once the player is out of Track he /she have to Restart the race from the initial position that makes game more interesting , entertaining and competive for the players that they won’t go out of track and win the race in time .

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