Sam Bahadur Box Office Day 4: Bollywood actor Vicky Kaushal’s film ‘Sam Bahadur’ was released in theaters on December 1 along with Ranbir Kapoor’s film ‘Animal’. There was a clash at the box office between the two films. In such a situation, amidst the storm of Animal, Sam Bahadur is also slowly making good collections. The audience is liking Vicky Kaushal’s film Sam Bahadur.
Sam Bahadur's box office collection till the fourth day-
According to the report of sacnilk, Sam Manekshaw’s biographical film ‘Sam Bahadur’ had an opening of Rs 6.25 crore and on Sunday it earned Rs 10.3 crore. On the fourth day i.e. Monday, the earnings of ‘Sam Bahadur’ have come down significantly. ‘Sam Bahadur’ earned Rs 3.50 crore. Made with a budget of around Rs 55 crore, this film has earned Rs 29.05 crore in four days.
Talking about the worldwide collection of this film, the film has earned Rs 35.50 crore in 3 days. In India, the film has made a gross collection of Rs 30.15 crore in three days. ‘Sam Bahadur’ has earned around Rs 40 crore worldwide in four days.
Based on the earnings of 4 days, it is being estimated that this film may prove to be successful in making a total collection of Rs 50-55 crores. The grip could be better though, but it’s still a good grip despite the clash. It can be said that if this film had been released solo, its collection would definitely have been better.